The Neue Friedberger Oper, in association with Poverty Rue Production (and with the continuing cooperation of Thrill Jockey Records),
is absolutely delighted to announce the release of further, or more, or some, information, about the faces of the folks on the front and the back pochettes of the NFO's and PRP's (with the continuing cooperation of TJR's) new movie, MATRICIDAL SONS OF BITCHES.
Think of a Richard/Richie/Rich/Dick Allen baseball card. On the back of that card would be the legend of his record, and on the left as you look would be printed Philadelphia. His accomplishments during the many thrilling years he spent with the Philadelphia National League Ball Club would be enumerated across the relevant columns.
Imagine a "Charlie Lelan" baseball card. See below. His Philadelphia equivalent would be Azcapotzalco.
Below is a picture of "Julian Nella". His Philadelphia substitute would be Dhidhimotikhon.
"Marco Allne". His Philadelphia would be Aubagne.
"Michael Lalen". His Philadelphia: Tyana.
"Perry Nalle", K.L..
Not least but last, "Peter Ellan". Mitry-Mory.
Remember this November to learn about the great Dick Allen.
Rich Allen & The Ebonistics
Dick Allen returns to Philadelphia
Blog about Dick Allen's autobiography
Here is, as simplified as possible, a version of the beginning of MSB's "Ladies-in waiting".... I. The Neighbors.*
Not that on the record it's (an) anymore complicated comrade. Fast, with an exaggerated pause at each comma: Out of the lavender mist, emerges, the pitiful countenance of, the amnesiac, evil-identical other-ganger. But where, and who, and how? Or something else but definitely ladies talk about a theme in search of a soap opera.
Speaking of Eddie Harris. The NFO proclaims Saturday, September 15th "Eddie Harris Day" in parts of Paris. Go then to your record player or record player substitute and play your Eddie Harris records or what're called the other things. Are you in parts of Paris or especially otherwise then so? Do so/go then.
Of Course. The NFO' s not a recognized potentate of proclamation, but rather, recreation; 'recognized' isn't the thing and; no endorsement, by the heirs, legacy-of-Eddie Harris, of the NFO is suggested hereby and by.
Happy Birthday to any Friedbergers, and to the composer of Begleitmusik für eine Lichtspielszene.
* Written by M. Friedberger. It's totally original; there is not even one bit of "Layla" or March of the Seven Centipedes is in it--at all. In other words--tell ASCAP.
The Neue Friedberger Oper, in association with Poverty Rue Productions, announces a fall tour of North America.
New Neue Friedberger Oper/Poverty Rue Productions production MATRICIDAL SONS OF BITCHES will have some scenes screened, or bits done, or selections projected, meaning music played, in certain cities, or small towns, throughout, some of, the continent, by, Neue Friedberger Oper, volunteer--Matthew Friedberger. His surname is 'Friedberger', by the way, just like Marky Ramone's surname is 'Ramone'.
Don't you rush reading. Because that's not only. Other newer, later to be released, NFO/PRP pictures, invisible but not at all inaudible, will be exposed or shown off or press played at these events or rock shows or uninhabited caves--and convention centers--for the Very First Time--Jesus H. Christ. New Titles Include:
And or others that don't exist, yet or ever, or not. And, and--each show, from the NFO/PRP/MF angle, will be different (than the other ones; meaning the music'll be, changed up rotated according to the diagram, and...), and.... On and on, over and out, on and on. Be sure and plan to attend as often as possible.
Here is a photo of Peter from MSB.

So--Neue Friedberger Oper's Matthew Friedberger will be opening up for Chicago rock band The Sea and Cake--or as they are called in emails to me, TSAC: on all the shows of their NA tour. As far as I know. It's an honor and a privilege and a privilege and an honor. However, the majority of the 4 week tour is in California.
So--make sure you buy your tickets in advance but what's actually going to happen and what else? Don't ask--Do tell--What the hell. Just go/Look out below:
Thu 10/18/12 TORONTO, ON Lee's Palace
Fri 10/19 MONTREAL, QC Il Motore
Sat 10/20 BOSTON, MA Brighton Music Hall
Sun 10/21 BROOKLYN, NY Littlefield
Mon 10/22 NEW YORK, NY LPR - Le Poisson Rouge
Tue 10/23 PHILADELPHIA, PA Union Transfer
Wed 10/24 WASHINGTON, DC Black Cat
Thu 10/25 CARRBORO, NC Cat's Cradle
Fri 10/26 NASHVILLE, TN Mercy Lounge
Sat 10/27 CINCINNATI, OH Taft Ballroom
Sun 10/28 ST. LOUIS, MO Luminary Center
Mon 10/29 CHICAGO, IL City Winery
Thu 11/1 VANCOUVER, BC Rickshaw Stop
Fri 11/2 SEATTLE, WA The Crocodile
Sun 11/4 PORTLAND, OR Doug Fir Lounge
Mon 11/5 EUGENE, OR WOW Hall
Tue 11/6 ARCATA, CA Jambalaya
Wed 11/7 PETALUMA, CA Mystic Theatre
Thu 11/8 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Slim's
Fri 11/9 VISALIA, CA Cellar Door
Sat 11/10 LOS ANGELES, CA Bootleg Theater - the back room
Sun 11/11 SAN DIEGO, CA Casbah
Mon 11/12 TUCSON, AZ Hotel Congress
Tue 11/13 MARFA, TX Padre's
Wed 11/14 AUSTIN, TX Mohawk
Thu 11/15 DALLAS, TX Trees
So--that's not all. You should also get these NFO/PRP associated outputs for the run up, before hand, have it in hand. Keep it in mind. Come on down and buy yourself a drink guy. You deserve it pal. Take it from me buddy. Whatever it is. Click underneath.
The Neue Friedberger Oper
agrees, it's hard to say, just how very something, composer and Neue
Friedberger Oper volunteer, Matthew Friedberger's THE DIABOLICAL PRINCIPLE, is, or was. But surely, a song called Shirley is featured and, it
is a mess-terpiece of the contemporary song cycle répertoire, or rock
music, or whatever it is you like, and however you want to put it. And
you know where you can put it! Right straight in your music machine.
Here is a review of THE DIABOLICAL PRINCIPLE which appeared in the British magazine The Wire; it was sent to the NFO as two jpegs by the record company.
And now the second bit.
always, the NFO does not comment on, or respond to, notices: though it
just did. No endorsement or regard, or indeed any term that might
reasonably be construed positively, is implied concerning the reviewer and his or her periodical.*
Certainly not. But what can you do? Follow the link below and purchase for yourself THE DIABOLICAL PRINCIPLE.
*Admittedly, nor is the reverse.
The Neue Friedberger Oper in association with Poverty Rue Productions is proud to announce the upcoming release of Matthew Friedberger's MATRICIDAL SONS OF BITCHES.
original* soundtrack to this invisible* picture will be available from
Thrill Jockey Records 10-30-12 in North America, 29-10-12 in Europe.
Here is Poverty Rue's press release from some time ago:
And here is a (different color) version of the LP cover:
*So to speak.
*There aren't no pictures.